Safety Tips While Using Portable Generators

portable generator
The power cuts and the extended power outage these days has increased the usage of the portable generators. Everyone nowadays are using these generators to meet their requirements. The generators are portable and helping people with their household usage and in small businesses. These portable generators are considered as a suitable resource of power bank to drive small and necessary equipment to go on with their work.

Read about DC Generators here.

There are some risks that are associated with these generators such as fire, shock or even emitting carbon monoxide, which is poisonous and when inhaled cause suffocation or death.
To avoid the hazards from these standby generators, follow these simple safety tips:

Safety Tips While Using Portable Generators

  • Place the generator in an open area where it gets more air and oxygen. If it is placed in a closed area as it produces high levels of Carbon monoxide (CO), if inhaled may cause dizziness, sickness or weakness.
  • Use the generator outside the house, basement, garage, sheds and in similar areas. Select a better place outside the house, closed places, away from the windows, vents and doors to position the generator.
  • Go with the manufacturer’s guidelines to install it.
  • Use Carbon monoxide (CO) alarms to warn you when they emit high levels of Carbon monoxide
  • Place the generator in a dry place and make sure it is placed away from wet areas or water outlets.
  • Handle the generator with dry hands only.
  • Check the wattage rating and connect only the matching range of appliance to it.
  • All the cords that are connected to the external appliances and to the generator should not be worn out, tampered, kinks, cuts or damaged.
  • Provide grounding to the generator and use three wires to connect it
  • Never plug the generator to the house wall outlet to power your house. It is very dangerous and damage the utilities, due to “back-feeding”
  • Use the manual transfer switch to plug the generator and take the help of a professional electrician for installation and connect the generator to your home with manual and automatic switches.
  • Never store flammable liquids near the portable generator.
  • Before refueling the generator, make sure that it is turned off and cooled properly.
  • Don’t use the generator in wet conditions, or rain.
  • Don’t overload the generator, that may cause it to heat up or stressing its components resulting it to fail or shutdown.

Always be careful while installation and crosscheck each and every thing that is mentioned in the manufacturer's guidelines to avoid “back-feed” hazards and appliance damage. Follow the below tips while using a portable generator:
  • Run the generator at full speed and when it reaches it’s full power mode, then only plug your device to use to reduce the damage of the appliance due to power fluctuation
  • The generator should always be plugged with an auxiliary generator panel or a double-throw switch to connect it to the main power source.

If you found any disturbances or any power fluctuations at home while using the generator don’t try to correct them by self, but call an expert and licensed electrician and let the thing corrected as soon as possible to avoid hazards and accidents.