Electrical Safety for Manufacturers

electrical safety tips for manufacturers

In a manufacturing setting, safety procedures are of the essence to maintain a functional work environment. Without proper safety measures in place, there’s a significant risk of electrocution and other electricity-based injuries.

A workplace electrical safety procedure should never be without these steps:
  • Test every circuit and outlet in the workspace regularly.
    Regular checks will ensure that accidents are prevented before they happen. This will also increase efficiency over time within the workspace. Every broken outlet or circuit will be identified quicker and repaired faster with regular checks than if concerns were addressed solely based on reporting.
  • Remind workers of rules regarding protective clothing.
    This sounds basic, but over time it becomes easier for workers (of all levels) to treat protective clothing recommendations casually. Establish a standard regarding protective clothing and stick to it. Risk doesn’t lessen with time or comfort level with one’s surroundings.
  • Enforce “safety space” between outlets and other entities.
    In rushed production times, it’s easy for equipment (and people) to be crammed into small spaces. This can lead to increased accidents and electrical hazard. Establish recommended boundaries around sources of power, from simple outlets to entire generators. Even a square made with tape on the floor can potentially save a life.
  • Display and teach safety plans.
    Ideally, everyone working in the manufacturing space will know the safety plan in case of an electrical emergency. Distribute and discuss safety procedures, and consider displaying the procedure if regulations allow. This goes hand in hand with the next rule of electrical safety.
  • Repair mechanical failures early and promptly.
    Along with emergency safety plans, all workers should be educated on how to address mechanical failure in an effective way. Management should also do their best to address these concerns as rapidly as possible. By establishing this system of trust, potential electrical safety concerns will be addressed before becoming actual hazards.
  • Employ experts (or certified personnel) for the right task.
    Corners can occasionally be cut in times of high production or in managing large numbers of personnel. But as each of these risk factors increase, it becomes even more important to only assign staff with the proper certification to handle certain tasks. Only staff with the proper knowledge should be handling hazardous chemicals or repairing machines after potential electrical damage. The risk of injury in a person with less than complete certification is just too great.
What electrical safety tips would you add to this list? What have you found to be effective in your company? Add your own electrical safety tips in the comments section of this post.

Author: Sara Thompson blogs about industrial construction and electrical topics and has been writing for the Web since 2007. This article was written with help from Storee Construction Co. in Springfield, MO. Connect with Storee on Twitter @Storeeconstruct.